Welcome to Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association

preserving heritage since 1864.

A place where time stands still, and memories endure

Nestled in the heart of history, our sacred grounds stand as a testament to generations past and present. Founded in 1864, Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association has been a guardian of memories, a sanctuary of solace, and a keeper of legacies for over a century.

With reverence for those who came before us, we honor the stories etched in stone, the lives celebrated, and the legacies left behind. As stewards of this hallowed ground, we uphold the values of respect, dignity, and perpetual care, ensuring that each resting place remains a place of tranquility and remembrance.

Explore our grounds, where whispers of history mingle with the rustle of leaves, and where each step taken is a tribute to lives well-lived. Join us in preserving the past, embracing the present, and safeguarding the future of Oriskany Falls Cemetery.

Discover Our Legacy

Year Established
Restored Headstones
Veterans Interred

Preserving Memories

Vault Restoration
Before After
Before After