Rules & Regulations


  • All Lots in the Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association (OFCA) are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of New York and shall not be used for any other purposes than as a burial place for dead human beings.
  • A Lot shall be defined as one or more graves whose burial privileges an individual, family or group holds.
  • A grave site shall be defined as one grave, 4×8 ft. depending on Section, accommodating a single full burial and/or cremations.
  • One adult full burial and one cremation or two cremations are allowed per grave.
  • No interment will be allowed until a death or cremation permit issued by the proper authority, a completed Interment Order and appropriate fee has been received (refer to Section 4145 of the NYS Health Law and the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.
  • Interments are restricted to those entitled to burial therein according to the terms of Section 1512 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law. The Lot owner(s) must file permission for burial of those not entitled to burial according to the said section with the Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association.
  • The OFCA shall be available for interments at least 6 days per week – legal holidays excluded based Section 201.8 and 201.12 will govern interments on holidays.
  • Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their Lots for compensation.
  • The full purchase price must be paid before a deed will be issued or a burial allowed on the Lot. Purchase price will include four Lot corner markers where required. No monuments are allowed until the Lot is paid in full. No raised foot markers.
  • Vaults or mausoleums are not allowed.

Markers, Embellishments, Plantings:

The OFCA reserves the right to remove, any embellishment on the lot or inscription, which, in the opinion of the board of trustees, is unsightly or dangerous. 60 days written notice will be given to the last known owner or at the last know address.

The following planting rules must be observed to allow for ease of maintenance in the Cemetery:

  1. No shrubs may be planted by anyone except the Cemetery Association.
  2. No rosebushes are allowed.
  3. No ornaments or fencing are allowed.
  4. Plastic or Silk flowers will be removed at the discretion of the Trustees when deterioration is evident. All plastic and silk will be removed by November 1st.
  5. No glass or plastic blocks or stones will be placed around monuments.
  6. Planting of flowers is allowed within 10 inches of headstones or monuments. However, raised beds are not allowed.

The Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from Lots as soon as they become unsightly.


  • All monuments or markers must be constructed of granite, marble or bronze.
  • No benches, statues or markers of any kind shall be permitted, unless previously approved by the Board of Trustees.
  • Veterans type flat bronze plaque when used as a head stone shall be mounted on a concrete pad flush with the ground.
  • All monument foundations must be constructed by the monument company at the direction of the Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association and shall be of sufficient depth to properly support the monument.
  • All foundations shall be a minimum depth of two (2) feet.
  • Only one monument shall be allowed on a grave and it shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the cemetery and shall conform to said plan in size and material.
  • Monuments are restricted in size and dimensions, which will not cover more than 20% of the surface area of the Lot.
  • The base of a monument is to be finished true and level so as to fit on a pad without wedges.
  • No monument will be allowed delivery in the cemetery until the pad is installed and ready to receive the monument.
  • All funerals, processions and vehicles will be under the control of the Trustee(s) while in the cemetery.
  • All work done in the cemetery shall be done at the approval of the Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association.
  • Heavy trucks or other vehicles shall be refused entrance to the cemetery when, in the opinion of the Trustees, property damage could result.
  • Minors are not allowed in the Cemetery at any time unless accompanied by parents or guardians.
  • No pets of any kind are allowed in the cemetery.
  • All persons shall be allowed access to the cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules that are in effect and the propriety due the cemetery. The cemetery is closed from 8:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.
  • All Lot owners are required to notify the cemetery of any change of address. All notices required to be sent, will be sent to the last recorded address and such notices shall be deemed adequate.
  • Permission by a lot owner to inter in his/her lot, given to other than members of his/her family, must be made in writing and left with the President.
  • All Lot owners are prohibited from selling their lots, before any resale can be made the owner must first offer to the OFCA at the original price paid therefore. All other sale of burial rights will be governed under section 1513. Sale of burial rights.
  • Concrete vaults or concrete grave liners are required for interments in all graves, purchased on or after July 1, 1998, in accordance with the provisions of the Cemetery Board Directive 201.6. A rigid container must be used on all cremation burials (no wood or cardboard unless inside another rigid container).
  • Graves will not be opened when frost and severe weather conditions warrant such refusal. Burials during theses conditions will be made in compliance with section 1510-b of the NFCPL.
  • Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the cemetery.


The Trustees of said Oriskany Falls Cemetery Association may amend these rules and regulations.
However, no such amendments shall be effective until approved by the New York State Cemetery Board.

Oriskany Falls, New York 13425
Approved: 02/17/2016