
How To Safely Clean A Headstone

Rule 1: Always Be As Gentle As Possible

Using wire brushes, metal tools, or abrasive pads might provide immediate satisfaction, but they can scratch the stone’s surface, leading to more damage over time. Similarly, acidic cleaners, including many household products like ammonia, can harm the stone. While bleach may initially brighten the surface, it often alters the stone’s color and texture, making it rougher and more prone to lichen growth. This increased surface area makes future cleaning even more challenging. And there will be future cleanings! For optimal results, clean the stone twice a year in temperatures between 55° – 85°F.

Essential Tools

  1. Plenty of Clean Water: Ensure you have an abundant supply of water. Nearby water spigots are available for attaching a hose if it reaches the location.
  2. Toothbrush: Whether new or old, a toothbrush is effective for detailed cleaning.
  3. Mail Brush or Soft-Bristled Cleaning Brush: Opt for a new brush with gentle bristles.
  4. Woods Scrapers: Consider using wood scrapers like paint stir sticks. Tongue depressors, cuticle pushers, or craft sticks also work well for cleaning grooves.
  5. Dawn Dish Detergent: Choose Dawn dish detergent, as it’s most effective when diluted to a 1:1 ratio with water.
  6. Optional – Ammonia-Free Glass Cleaner: Use with a CLEAN soft rag, preferably microfiber, to buff granite or bronze headstones for added shine and to eliminate cleaning streaks.

Things To Remember

  • Ensure the stone is securely positioned to prevent accidental tipping, falling, or breakage during cleaning. Apply gentle pressure and prioritize safety at all times.
  • Avoid using metal tools entirely. Start cleaning with the softest brush available and only escalate to a stiffer brush if absolutely necessary. Patience is key; resist the urge for quick results.
  • Begin by cleaning the back and sides of the headstone before addressing the front inscription. Neglecting these areas initially may result in incomplete cleaning.
  • Clean from the bottom upwards to minimize streaking. Prevent dirty water from dripping down or drying on the headstone, as it may stain the porous material.

How to Begin

  1. Fully saturate the stone with clean tap water, ensuring coverage on the front, back, top, and sides.
  2. Once the stone is thoroughly wet, apply Dawn dish detergent (diluted or full strength) across the entire surface, including the front, back, top, and sides. Use your hand or a soft brush to spread it evenly.
  3. Allow 4-5 minutes for the detergent to take effect. During this time, you can wet the next stone to be cleaned thoroughly.
  4. Gently scrape off moss, lichen, etc., using paint stir sticks. Note that removing lichens may leave a scarring effect on the stone due to their acidic waste product interacting with the stone’s salts and chemistry. Unfortunately, this cannot be prevented.
  5. Utilize a soft brush in circular motions to remove loosened debris. For intricate areas like names, dates, and grooves, employ a toothbrush, tongue depressors, cuticle pushers, or craft sticks.
  6. Rinse the headstone thoroughly once again and assess your work. If necessary, repeat the steps to ensure thorough cleaning.

Rule 2: Always Rinse the Stone Well When Done; and Then Rinse Again!

  • Most cleaners will leave streaks if the headstone is not thoroughly rinsed.
  • Use an ammonia-free glass cleaner and a CLEAN soft rag (microfiber works best) to buff granite or bronze headstones to add extra shine and get rid of any leftover cleaning streaks.